Thanks to the transformative power of new technologies, young people are putting their talents to use in the field of development to drive real change–both at home and abroad. At 1.5 billion, today’s global youth generation is the largest in history and ARISE INTERNATIONAL understands the important role youth play as partners and leaders in development. THE BITTER TRUTH The global youth bulge, rise of violent extremism, and high global youth unemployment demonstrate the urgency to invest in youth. The 1.8 billion young people in the world today is the largest youth population in history and 90 percent of youth live in developing countries.
  • 20% of all youth in the developing world are not in education, training, or employment.
  • 5 million new jobs are needed monthly to keep youth unemployment at its current high rate, twice the adult unemployment rate.
  • 65% of the population is under age 35, only 6% of political representatives are under 35
  • 43% of the total number of homicides globally occur among youth
  • 66% of young people globally do not feel their government cares about what they think
  • 34% of new HIV infections globally occur among adolescents ages 15-24 whose HIV/AIDS-related deaths have not declined over the past 15 years
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