This is a 12 weeks curriculum program geared to train and teach the youths about Entrepreneurship ( How to start their n business. It covers writing business plans; how to discover opportunities, budgeting, sourcing funds, accounting, marketing etc.
At the completion of the course seed money will be offered to some of the youths based on their business plans and they will be paired with a mentor or coach for one year who will guide them through the rigors of starting and running a successful business
The vocational education program will prepare and train the youths in cabinetry, carpentry,tailoring, brick laying, building machine operations, bakery, building, auto mechanic, fishery, interior designs, soap making, packaging, computer repairs, coding etc. These skills will help the youths gain valuable employment and also give them opportunity to start their own businesses.
We understand that that the top three key constraints to youth engagement in agriculture are access to land, finance, and skills. Research has also shown that skills development initiatives have been shown to have positive impacts on youth employment and earnings outcomes; skills transfer in the agriculture sector has effectively occurred in work-based learning venues such as farmer field schools, on-site employer-based training, internships, volunteer opportunities, and co-curricular youth organizations.
We offer Agriculture Education and skill trainings for youths . We help them form cooperatives, acquire lands, and help with financing.
We offer multiple pathways for learning and employment, focus on employer and market demand for skills, use applied learning methods, and offer follow-on services and supports that link youth with tangible employment or self-employment.
For agriculture specifically, skills transfer effectively occurs in work-based learning venues such as farmer field schools, on-site employer-based training, internships, volunteer opportunities, and co-curricular youth organizations. Soft skills (such as social skills, positive self-concept, self-control, communication skills and higher-order thinking) are as important to success in the workplace as technical or agricultural-specific skills, including in the agriculture sector where ever-changing global demands require flexibility and adaptation. And even though a skill might be developed in an agriculture or workforce setting, evidence shows that youth apply many of these skills (e.g. problem solving, planning ahead, and negotiations) in other aspects of their life, including conflict mitigation and health and nutrition. These findings highlight the benefits of a cross-sect oral approach to working with youth in agriculture.
We get the youths involved and engaged through our civic engagement and education program in working to make a difference in the civic life of one’s community and developing the combination of knowledge, skills, values and motivation to make that difference. We train and give them the tools to play a more active role in their community and society by participating in both political and non political process. We introduce and encourage them to take part in civic engagement both paid and unpaid forms of political activism, environmentalism, and community and national service, volunteering. Getting the youths involved in civic engagement helped them become better informed about current events and the inter workings of government and the political process.
Research has long demonstrated that youth benefit from close, caring relationships with adults who serve as positive role models.
Our program tend to match youths in our program with responsible and caring Mentors mostly adult professionals who have greater experience than the youth, can provide support, guidance, and opportunities to help youth succeed in life and meet their goals.
The mentoring relationship creates a caring, empathetic, consistent, and long-lasting relationships, often with some combination of role modeling, teaching, and advising.
Positive Experiences + Positive Relationships + Positive Environments = Positive Youth Development
PYD is an intentional, prosocial approach that engages youth within their communities, schools, organizations, peer groups, and families in a manner that is productive and constructive; recognizes, utilizes, and enhances young people’s strengths; and promotes positive outcomes for young people by providing opportunities, fostering positive relationships, and furnishing the support needed to build on their leadership strengths.
We create and provide a positive and safe environment for the young people to be themselves explore their creativity, ingenuity, innovation, imagination and skills.
The programs are designed to engage the youths as equal partners.
Research has shown that when youths are engaged as stakeholders and equal partners, it creates and gives them a great sense of belonging, develop a higher sense of self, self esteem and confidence, resilience, and great future aspirations and helps them deal with adversity and situations better.